Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Psychologist Brisbane

What is it

Bipolar disorder is a condition described by extreme mood swings of ‘highs’ and ‘lows’. The high moods are called mania or hypomania, and the low moods are called depression. It is important to note that everyone has mood swings from time to time. It is only when mood swings become extreme and interfere with social and occupational life that bipolar disorder may be present and a psychiatric assessment may be warranted.

There are two types of bipolar disorder, known as bipolar I and bipolar II

Bipolar I

Bipolar I disorder is characterised by extreme mood swings, including periods of mania or hypomania followed by depressive episodes. It is considered a more serious condition in terms of symptoms, with people being more likely to experience mania and having longer ‘highs’. Some people may also have psychotic experiences and be hospitalised, although this is not a requirement for diagnosis.

Bipolar II

Bipolar disorder II is diagnosed when a person experiences the symptoms of at least one major depressive episode and one hypomanic episode in their lifetime, with no psychotic experiences. Hypomanic episodes tend to last a few hours or a few days, although impairment can often be as severe as in bipolar I disorder.

Individual differences in bipolar disorder

What is Mania and Hypermania?

Bipolar disorder psychological therapies

What does it include?

The aim of treatment is for people to achieve stability and live successful and productive lives. Treatment involves a combination of physical and psychological therapies, which have been clearly demonstrated to be better than physical treatment alone. Psychological treatments have been shown to be beneficial in monitoring moods, raising awareness of early warning signs of mood extremes, developing a wellbeing plan for maintaining wellness between highs and lows, and preventing the occurrence of extreme mood swings. Psychological therapies are also suitable to treat other conditions that may accompany bipolar disorder, such as problems with general anxiety and social phobias.

How can a psychologist help with bipolar disorder treatments

If you require additional information, please call our office at 07 3256 6320. Our mental health-focused reception staff will be only too happy to assist you with your enquiry about our service and can suggest the most suitable Psychologist for your concern.




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