Veterans and Their Families

Veterans and Their Families Psychologist Brisbane

What We Do

At KCPsych, we specialise in providing treatment, support, and care for Veterans and their families. We are DVA-approved providers of treatment and rehabilitation services for Veterans and their families, including services for both gold and blue card holders. We offer counselling on an individual basis in a general community setting so that issues unique to Veterans can be addressed confidentially without interfering with daily routines.


We are very aware of how distressing and traumatic events can leave an enduring mark on memory that is difficult to erase. We are also aware of how significant events and memories can impact us for years across various areas of life, including relationships with partners and children, family members, friends, and even strangers, our moods, our sleeping patterns, and our coping with life. We are clinically trained in the provision of treatments for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and anger. We know that many people try to cope by becoming loners, avoiding social interactions, needing extensive time for solitude, or through heavy use of alcohol and/or other drugs. Most of all, we are aware of veteran and military culture and the stigma that still exists despite the important role that Veterans continue to play in protecting our country.

What does it include

The impact of a Veteran’s experience can also significantly influence relationships with others, including life partners, children, adolescents, and other family members, often creating a distance that can be difficult to address for fear of saying or doing the “wrong” thing. Many adolescents have not had the stability of a reliable figure to provide nourishment, guidance, and support and may feel at a loss for which direction to take in life.

How can a psychologist help

These are just some of the issues that may be faced by Veterans and their families, although there are many more. All counselling services are provided by clinically trained professionals with an understanding of the impact of trauma-related combat on mental health and of mental health problems unique to Veterans and their families. We welcome you to make an appointment.

If you require additional information, please call our office at 07 3256 6320. Our mental health-focused reception staff will be only too happy to assist you with your enquiry about our service and can suggest the most suitable Psychologist for your concern.




Veteran Therapy Psychologists in Brisbane counselling IN THIS SERVICE

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